Thursday, 30 October 2014

The Benefits of Paid Summer Internships for College Students

The benefits that college students may get out of paid summer internships can be tremendous. Obviously, the fact that the program is paid is a benefit in and of itself, as this may provide a little financial freedom for the student during the summer or as they save to move into an apartment next semester. But the advantages of getting some real-world experience while still in school can help students get a leg up on their peers upon graduation when it comes time to search for their first job in a chosen career field.

When it comes time to interview for that first big job, you will want to have something to talk about beyond what you learned in a classroom. Academics are important while in college, but implementing what you've learned in the classroom in the real-world can be extremely beneficial.

You will even learn some new things as you embark on your first real-world job place experience. If you can enter an interviewer's office ready to discuss what you took away from your schooling as well as what your experiences were upon first applying what you've learned in the real-world, you'll be well on your way to impressing your first boss.

During a paid summer internship to More, college students may get their first taste of the real-world application of management, marketing and business. It's one thing to learn about how these things are applied in the real world, but it's a whole other to experience and witness it firsthand in the business world.

You may even come back from summer vacation with some insight that may help you further excel in the classroom. A summer vacation is a great time to catch up with old high school friends, but there is enough time for that in the evenings or on the weekends. Use your days to gain some valuable working experience, as well as some extra cash.

What's more, those with an entrepreneurial mind may find a summer college internship particularly advantageous. Those planning on someday opening their own business will have to deal with management, marketing and other business concerns on their own. Part of owning your own business is making these decisions.

Make sure that you immerse yourself enough in real-world, first-hand experience so that you actually learn these things rather than only studying them. There are some professionals who are not equipped to handle these items on their own. If you can get close enough to the front lines as a college student, jump at the opportunity.

Dave recommends contacting a respected and experienced company for your Summer Internship in Jaipur College Internship and to avoid any kind of college internship scams type companies out there. Go with professional and long established companies like College works Painting where you will learn to manage a group of workers and reap the rewards.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Paid Summer Internships-The Value of Internship in Today's Competitive Workplace

While we are still young, every experience we encounter will somehow help shape us into who we will be in the future. Be bold and different for a change. Have you ever thought about paid summer training- about doing an internship for a company? If this hasn't crossed your mind, it should now and you should consider it knowing that in today's world, fresh graduates as well as other employed individuals will be competing for the jobs they want. It is not necessary for you to do a paid summer internship in order for you to land the job of your dreams however with the experience you have gained you have an edge over other graduates like you when you enter the job marketplace.

Pursuing an internship especially with a reputable and respected organization can help jumpstart your career even if you are merely a student. Through an internship you will get a feel of how it is to work in a corporate setup and you are in for a great learning experience. Being an intern is not a complete waste of precious time. Long gone were the days when interns were just tasked to prepare coffee, run errands, photocopy materials, send messages or do messenger duties. Currently, interns are hired and trained like regular employees doing relevant duties and responsibilities. As an intern be willing to learn and work as this experience could look very good on your resume.

In applying for an internship you get a first hand experience of how it is like to apply for a job in preparing your comprehensive resume and undergoing a job interview. During your internship you learn numerous things that you could apply in the corporate setting when you enter a company as an employee. Here, you learn how to interact with customers, who are the major contributors to a company's existence. You discover how to interact with people from different walks of life if you are assigned to handle customer relations.

You also learn how to carry out yourself in the work place. You get to experience how it feels like to be working for someone else, to have a superior sometimes delegating never ending tasks and to meeting very strict deadlines on certain projects. In meeting deadlines you learn how it is to deal with stress as well as trying to impress your boss with a lot of competition from other trying hard employees.

Taking an internship in your chosen career is a plus. With the valuable experience you have gained, it wouldn't be that difficult to find a job related to your chosen field once you graduate.

An internship can also help you in your decision for the career path you want to have. Here, you get to see your strengths and weaknesses and you discover the occupation or profession you would really like to pursue.
You also learn to be independent when it comes to decision-making. Daily work schedules from basically deciding what corporate attire to wear, budgeting your time with the workload given, interacting with other employees and dealing with supervisors or superiors can increase your chances of adjusting easily when you enter the corporate environment in the future.

Aside from improving your communication abilities, you get to build a network of connections from the different people you meet within and outside the company. These contacts could later help you with your professional career when you enter the job market by recommending you to other companies you will soon be applying for or you could even be absorbed as a permanent employee after you study if they like the way you work for them.

The important aspect in paid summer internships is not the money that we earn during this period but the valuable experience that we can gain making us more confident and ready to face the corporate market.

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Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Summer Internships - How to Land the Ideal Summer Internship

Summer is the ideal time for an internship
Summer internships are ideal for getting experience without having to juggle work and school. Your schedule is likely more open, you can commit to longer internship hours and generally get more out of a summer internship than by trying to cram one into the fall or spring on top of all the studying and schoolwork you have to worry about.
Why is summer so perfect for an internship?
As a student, we all looked forward to getting out of school and enjoying our time off. Unfortunately, for the youth of the 21st century, times have changed. The economy is down and the job market is more competitive than ever. Graduating students are no longer in competition with other students, but they are also fighting for jobs against seasoned veterans that have had to take a step back in salary just to put food on the table.
Find the internship that will help you achieve your goals
Good internship possibilities await you! Especially in our current economic situation, it's difficult for college students to find jobs after they graduate, and an internship is a valuable starting point even after graduation. Find something you are truly interested in. It may not be your dream, but it could take you to unimaginable places.
Where to find the summer internship of your dreams
Depending upon your chosen field, internships can be easy to find or near impossible. However, you should never get frustrated because they do not seem to be available through normal channels. If you do not see an internship advertised, write a letter. After all, you have nothing to lose at this point and your initiative may peak some interest from the powers that be.
Try An Internship Profile - That Helps You Get Hired
You need the tools to set you apart from the rest. That is what you get at Intern Inc. It provides you the tools and the connections to show off your skills while making it easier for you to connect with companies that are interested in finding talented and motivated individuals. So, when you are looking for summer internships, check out No other site on the Internet offers such a complete network of opportunities and Winter internships for students.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Finding a Good Summer Internship

With the world becoming a global playground, interesting summer internship jobs are not hard to find. Internship becomes very important to students who are especially pursuing engineering or arts and other allied sciences. Have a look at what options you can select if you're keen for finding good summer internship.
Academic Internship

This would be a great way to go if you're in college and want to learn the application area of what you're learning at school. Academic internships will especially benefit those who want to go for a master's degree in their preferred subject. The internship is usually a research based one and sometimes even industries fund the research.
•Law: This increasingly, is becoming an area where there is a need for the brightest and the most practical brains on earth. People are increasingly exposed to all kinds of affairs and that leads to a complex quagmire - which has to be settled with the help of lawyers. Students who are studying law can take up internships with leading law houses and even work as a law consultant - in case you have the requisite knowledge.
•Technology: If there is anything that has multiplied by leaps and bounds since the appearance of the first ape-man, which is technology. There is technology in every field and more people by the day are realizing the need and the gravity of being in a technically sound world. Science along with technology has given us many good things to harp upon. You can choose from the following areas for a great technology-based internship.
* Computers and information Technology
* Mechanical, Civil and other construction based technology
* Food Technology and allied areas such as catering and nutrition
* Electronics and Electrical technology
* Communication technology
•Arts: There is hardly anyone who is not in awe of a celebrity. Youngsters are increasingly being inclined to music and there are artists who are painting wonderful pictures. Finding an internship of the mentioned area is nothing difficult; more because the experienced want to test the creativity of the budding talent pool.
•Sports: Want to master the free-kick of your favorite footballers? Then you can even try sports internships. If you're a player of class, it won't be long before you can play for your favorite team. There are summer internship employment opportunities in the same field as sports doctors, trainers, meditation specialists, etc.
•Science: How can we not consider the basic sciences? There are attractive internship opportunities available in the research areas of basic sciences. Use your knowledge of physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology to discover new avenues in the same. There are other various summer employment opportunities. The main pre-requisite is that you have to be on the lookout for the best summer jobs.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

How to Find a Summer Internship

The question "How to find a summer internship?" is often quite stressful. You have your studies to worry about and don't have enough time to look for an internship until you look at your calendar and you realize that you have only 1 month left to find a summer internship that have to both please you and fit the requirements of your school/university.

To Know More Summer Internship

So you start feeling the pressure, go and surf on the internet and you end up losing a loot of time. OK you will find a summer internship, but after all, you're like "why is it such a headache?", "do I really have to waste hours on the internet to find it?" If you want to find a summer internship, whether a summer or any kind of work experience, that's easy, what requires preparation and some work is to find one that you will enjoy.
There are 6 things you must care about if you want to be efficient in your research:
1. What are you looking for? Which sector? In which country? Which tasks?...
2. Your CV
3. Your cover letter
4. Which internship search websites are worth a visit
5. How to use your network? (and we all have one, believe me)
6. Your interview
The first thing, which is of utmost importance, is often neglected, especially for summer internships, since we think: I don't want to bother (i.e. think) to much, it's just for 3 months..." but it is a mistake. You have to know what you want to do to find it.
So don't be too open, focus, focus and focus on what you want so that you can find a summer internship that will bring value to your skills, knowledge and CV.
I learnt a lot from my mistakes, and I saw the other side while working as a recruiter for a company. So I know how it works and want you to benefit from my experience to avoid the mistakes I did, gain time and be able to proudly and loudly "Yes I did!" to the 10-time-a-day-asked-by-mum question: "did you finally find your summer internship?"